Summary of the week!

This past week we focused on the hindrances we have in our physical wellness and how to overcome them to push forward our growth. Here’s a recap of the posts from the week!

When I bought these jeans, they were my “bloated” jeans. Those jeans that came out once a month to cover the extra fluff. Then one day I looked up and realized they fit so snug I was busting out like biscuits, until they looked like they do here. Fr…

When I bought these jeans, they were my “bloated” jeans. Those jeans that came out once a month to cover the extra fluff. Then one day I looked up and realized they fit so snug I was busting out like biscuits, until they looked like they do here. From personal hygiene, exercise, to food, your physical health is just as important to your overall wellness as your spiritual principles. More than fitting into the jeans, lax physical wellness can lead to depression, anxiety, and lack of motivation. What hinders your physical wellness? Is it lack of sleep, not knowing what to do in the gym, or not knowing how to cook? This week we are talking about hindrances to physical health, and how to overcome some of these hurtles to reach our physical wellness goals.#bustedlikeacanofbiscuits#wellness #wellnessjourney#blackgirlwellness #blackgirlblogger#physicalwellness #physicalwellbeing#mindbodysoul #consistencychallenge#consistencypays

#wellnesswednesdayOne of my physical hindrances is SAD (seasonal affective disorder) or the rainy day blues. While experienced in different ways, I have to work on gloomy days to stay motivated to be active. I just want to sleep. To overcome this, I…

#wellnesswednesdayOne of my physical hindrances is SAD (seasonal affective disorder) or the rainy day blues. While experienced in different ways, I have to work on gloomy days to stay motivated to be active. I just want to sleep. To overcome this, I go out for at least 30 min of sunlight a day. Even on rainy days, sitting in front of the window or taking a walk between showers, every bit of sunlight counts.
See how I make time in my busy schedule to get time outside #ontheblog Link in Bio. #physicalwellness #physicalwellbeing#afrogirlfitnesss #blackgirlfitness#mindbodysoul #fitness#makingtimeforfitness

Growing up with a chef for my dad, I learned early how to prepare delicious and balanced meals. However, being a picky eater, once I find something I like, I tend to binge eat.🥴 Especially on quarantine, I’m struggling to not eat all my snacks. So …

Growing up with a chef for my dad, I learned early how to prepare delicious and balanced meals. However, being a picky eater, once I find something I like, I tend to binge eat.🥴 Especially on quarantine, I’m struggling to not eat all my snacks. So to keep myself from overeating, I’ve been tracking my consumption using a calorie/macro counter. There are many on the market. But I use @myfitnesspalto keep track of every food and drink I consume throughout the day.
How are y’all keeping track of your eating habits to fight the #quarantine15? And do you find yourself leaning towards overeating or undereating? #physicalwellness #physicalwellbeing#afrogirlfitnesss #blackgirlfitness#mindbodysoul #nutrition#blackgirlnutrition #stopbingeeating#fitness #makingtimeforfitness#consistencychallenge#consistencypays

Also check out our blog posts that added to conversation by explaining what a day in my life looked like, what I eat, and what my secrets are to losing weight and keeping it off!

So excited to share what I have for next week with you all!

3 Secrets to Lose Weight and KEEP IT OFF! -- How to get healthy and stay healthy?

The last physical hindrance to speak on this week is how to revamp your physical health journey. Specifically ways for you to have a healthier life and being intentional about your health. The 3 ways to do this are to know your reasons for why you haven’t started, building a plan to specifically address these reasons, and executing the plan. 

  • Know what’s holding you back. 

Most people have a basic understanding of healthy living: you have to eat fruits and vegetables and workout. Very few people know exactly what will work for their health, and specifically why they don’t take advantage of those skills. Take a quick dive into who you are from an overseers prospective. Do you have fear of failure? Gym intimidation? No time? No idea what to do or where to start? Knowing why you don’t do what you should and building solutions to combat this will set you up for success.

  • Build a Plan that addresses your hindrances.

Once you know what holds you back you can then build a strategic plan to push you toward where you want to be. To build a plan you need to: 

Evaluate the problem: If you did step 1, you’ve done this!

Set a goal!

Knowing you want to be healthy is one thing, but what does that look like for you? Do you want to eat better, take your medication regularly, practice better hygiene habits, lose weight, gain weight, run a marathon, etc? 

Learn what works best for you.

Once you have a goal, you can do some research about meeting the goal and what will work for you.  If you want to run a marathon, but you aren’t the most athletic, you want to probably start with walking. Whereas if you already are running a few miles a day, you would start by gradually running a little longer. Either way, doing some basic research about your goal and different ways people achieved it will give context to your journey. 

Become knowledgeable on how to scale what works for you and build systems to those incorporate steps.

Having a goal is great. Meeting it is even better. Changing your lifestyle completely is key! Becoming healthier is more than running the marathon, even if that is a goal. Becoming healthier is building change for a lifetime. To do this, you have to scale your goals to build systems that will change your life. 

For example, if your goal is to run a marathon, the lifestyle change happens when you implement weekly running schedules and increase distance and time based on your desired result and recovery. Another example is losing weight. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you would build both an eating and exercise schedule that gets you to your goals, but will be easy for you to follow forever. You would build in contingency plans for holidays and special occasions to keep you on track. 

  • Execute!

The final step is to execute your plan. Executing includes enacting your steps and reevaluating periodically (I say every time you meet a goal) to make sure you’re still on track. 

With these 3 very simple steps you’ll be on your way to becoming your healthier self almost immediately. While this is a generalized group of steps, this process works for all areas of physical wellness and produces lasting results. 

Methods to Set up Systems of Wellness

Hello Everyone!

I close out our discussion about systems of wellness, I found the following links particularly helpful. These resources give examples for which you can go from a goal minded form of wellness to a systems minded daily ideal of wellness.

To accompany these videos, I’ve uploaded a podcast style video about my journey with creating systems of wellness and some examples of systems that you may be able to change and adapt for your life.

A Look into My Intentional Wellness Journey

As a bonus this week, I’d like to post my yearly review of 2019. This video will give you a bit of insight into my personal wellness journey: Why I really got serious about wellness? and Different principles of wellness I’ve tried?

Similarly, there’s some great gems about the prep work it took for me to build my systems of wellness. If you’d like to skip through the video, here are some great time links fo you:

2:28 Summary of Q1: Sickness

08:15 Summary of Q2: Recovery

10:14 Practical steps I put in place to start my wellness journey

12:16. Summary of Q3: Enacting systems of wellness

15:00. Summary of Q4: Doing the work

20:38. Relationships?

23:48. Goals and Accomplishments

I know the video is long, but it is a full view into my life and thought process. I hope it brings some hope to you all!