5 Steps to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck

Over half of the US population (63%) is living paycheck to paycheck.

With the pandemic causing job loss, unemployment spikes, and the unpredictability of the economy, everyone should have a plan to ensure that they are not dependent upon a paycheck to live. Whether starting by ensuring you can miss a month to securing 3 to 6 months of living expenses, having substantial savings is essential to soften the blow in the case of income loss. 

5 Principles to ensuring that you stop living paycheck to paycheck are 

  1. Give: You can’t receive more with a closed fist.

  2. Make a Budget.

    1. Minimize expenses and maximize income.

    2. Create an emergency fund.

  3. Make the hard calls to create routine into your finances.

  4. Save! Learn to save aggressively!

  5. Rinse, recycle, repeat. Continue this journey until you have 6 months of income.

See the link here for breakdowns of how to do each.

See the video here for details on each step:

My Financial Journey and the Best Way to Budget your Money: Minimize your Expenses

The Lord has afforded me many financial blessings over the years, but even with his grace, stewardship is required. As a follow up to yesterday’s blog post, I share a bit of my testimony and discuss the balance of minimizing expenses to optimize your budget. I also detail my number one secret to financial “prosperity” (hint, you can hear about it at the 13 min mark).  As the video explains, tomorrow, I will be discussing some ideas for maximizing your income with minimal time. Until then, I hope this video is encouraging!

1:23 My testimony

9:38 Minimize your budget expenses 

13:00 The giving factor!

Money Mindset Blog Post: http://www.kandidkayla.com/blog/2020/5/23/changing-your-mindset-about-money

How to Build a budget Blog Post: http://www.kandidkayla.com/blog/2020/5/26/basic-money-guidance

IG: http://www.instagram.com/kandidkayla.co

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kandidkayla/

Methods to Set up Systems of Wellness

Hello Everyone!

I close out our discussion about systems of wellness, I found the following links particularly helpful. These resources give examples for which you can go from a goal minded form of wellness to a systems minded daily ideal of wellness.

To accompany these videos, I’ve uploaded a podcast style video about my journey with creating systems of wellness and some examples of systems that you may be able to change and adapt for your life.

A Look into My Intentional Wellness Journey

As a bonus this week, I’d like to post my yearly review of 2019. This video will give you a bit of insight into my personal wellness journey: Why I really got serious about wellness? and Different principles of wellness I’ve tried?

Similarly, there’s some great gems about the prep work it took for me to build my systems of wellness. If you’d like to skip through the video, here are some great time links fo you:

2:28 Summary of Q1: Sickness

08:15 Summary of Q2: Recovery

10:14 Practical steps I put in place to start my wellness journey

12:16. Summary of Q3: Enacting systems of wellness

15:00. Summary of Q4: Doing the work

20:38. Relationships?

23:48. Goals and Accomplishments

I know the video is long, but it is a full view into my life and thought process. I hope it brings some hope to you all!