Resources for Relationship Hindrances

Hello All,

Here are a list of resources to help continue the relationship hindrances conversation on your own. This is not a topic that I particularly care for. To be quite frank, it’s the area in my life that I struggle the most. So I look to many different resources, including wise counsel, for direction. So most of these resources were given to me. I haven’t gotten through all of them, but my counsel highly recommends.

For the married:

The entire book of Songs of Solomon!

Specifically for the singles:

While really cringe worthy the points in this video still are good:

I had some feelings about these books. The points made are Biblically based and indeed valid.

WIth that being said, I’m so excited for us to continue our hindrance series with the last week: Financial/Occupational hindrances. This is one of my favorite topics, and can’t wait to share my story and how I’m overcoming my hindrances.