Major Key: Live Your Life

So by now you are ready to start your resolutions and get on with your 10 days of trying and then quitting.  The major keys I’ve shared so far will hopefully be able to enrich your life further than that of a new years resolution.  With this, the last major key I recommend for the new year is to live your life.

Many of us in times of transition where our lives are changing don’t know what this looks like. So saying live our life, doesn’t look like anything tangible. However, I believe that doing the following things can help you formulate your own view of what that looks like for you.

First thing is to be present.  A lot of times people focus too much on the past or the future.  Rather than focusing on what you could’ve or should’ve done, learn from your mistakes and move forward.  Rather than hoping and wishing, learn to set yourself up for what future you want.  This is more attainable when you write out your inner feelings, rather than simply verbalizing it, so that you can visually release your feelings.  Also, I recommend vision boards so that your dreams are in sight and in mind often.  Also, to present in your life you need to live in your experiences.  Even in hard situations, such as arguments, don’t check out.  You should participate.  You will gain something from the experience. 

Second I recommend you focus on your own life.  This goes hand in hand with being present, because the two are almost simultaneous.  If you mind your own business and work hard to enrich your life, you won’t have time to not be present in your life. A friend of mine says that people who talk about other people’s situations don’t usually have anything going for themselves.  This is true. Those people usually don’t have a good handle on their own lives either.  When focusing on your life, your life will begin to feel more present. Thus, you’ll be able to be happy for others and truly enjoy the life around you. You will grow spiritually and emotionally.  You will begin to gain greater revelation for your life. You won’t be easily offended. You will gain humility. Your life will begin to seem more clear as you begin to find the kinks and sort them with God.  You can’t do any of that, though, if you are focusing on a speck in someone else life.  

Third, to live your life, you need to be a better participant in society.  Most people are fairly good citizens. They pay their taxes. They don’t hurt anyone. I am talking about enriching the world around you.  Give something unique, that only you can give, to the world around you. Influence someone. Mentor someone. Love someone. Be a friend to someone. All of these will help you live your life because you’d be interacting with others around you. 

Fourth, to live your life, you must live.  The only way to live and be able to endure is to find joy.  Many people find their happiness.  This process is very similar to the process shown in the movie “Eat, Pray, Love”, but finding joy is a much different process.  Joy is directly connected to hope.  The only true hope is found in Jesus. As you grow further in Christ, your hope will grow and thus your joy will grow. 

Lastly, to live your life you have to “do you boo!” Find your own convictions. Live by them. Do what brings you peace and aligns with those convictions.  Listen to God, not the critics. 

With all of these, you should be able to live your life to the fullest.  You’ll have very little regrets. You’ll be more fulfilled. And there will be a confidence in you that will grow as you allow God to be your judge.  

Matthew 6:34 “Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Ephesians 5:15-16 “Be very careful, then, how you live — not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.”

Romans 12:2 “Do not conform to the pattern of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will.” 

Proverbs 14: 27 “The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, turning a person from the snares of death.”