Major key 4: Embrace and enjoy your single-hood

Major key number 4 in my series is all about the journey of embracing and enjoying single-hood.  I have discussed this here on this platform before. It seems almost like a broken record, but I feel as though it is so very important that it’s worth revisiting.  I will be talking about this from a bit of a different perspective: learning your worth, defining your worth, and enacting your worth. 

As I’ve stated in the past, it is so important for single people to take advantage of that time.  This is the time to really learn who you are and how to really get close to God without any distractions.  In 1 Corinthians 7, the Bible talks about the unmarried being devoted to God as though God is their husband and allowing God to really become their life.  This is not to say that we single people should be monks; however, God is wanting to do great things in our lives, but not just to prepare us for our future spouse.  So many people devote themselves to God on the condition that God would bless them with the spouse.  God knows our motives and our heart.  We should genuinely want to get closer to him regardless of if we are granted with a spouse or not.  Also, the testimony of what he wants to do in our lives as His bride surpasses our desire to be married, if we allow him to do those things in our lives.  Nonetheless, I do believe that in the coming year, from what I’ve seen in so many singles around me, it is so important that we are deliberately conscious of our worth.  People talk about being “woke”, but let’s get “woke” about our worth. 

God goes through and he teaches us of our worth as we walk through our single journey with him, at least in my experience.  It didn’t come overnight, though. It did come from me studying the Bible and really asking soul-searching type questions. God has taught me so much about the worth of his bride, being us his children, and the significance of his life being the price that was paid for us.  This means that our worth is of the highest price, eternal. This is so important as you begin your journey because it will really help you to understand yourself through God’s eyes.  It is probably the most significant thing you’ll ever learn as it relates to your God given identity. 

Once you learn your worth, you’ll begin to journey through your call and your earthly significance. You’ll begin to define your worth, particularly as to what you are to you.  How much are you worth to yourself? What situations are deal breakers for you as it relates to your relationships and life choices? What are you willing to acknowledge as to what you are called? What categories define you, if any categories define you? All of these questions and more are so vital to the growth of your individualism and your journey in single-hood.  

Lastly, once you know all of these things, your life will change.  You will become a different type of person, as you will know who you are and whose you are in Christ.  You will have a clear understanding of your true value, and thus you will learn to enact your worth.  You will not put yourself in the situations you are not willing to deal with.  You will be more self aware of your true desires and compassions. You will begin to structure and live a life of joy as you would not question yourself or your surroundings.  This is not to say that there will be some gloomy days or that you may not go through a bought of depression, but it will be much easier to handle those things as you will be aware of who you are and how to get yourself out of a funk. 

Single-hood is a consistent journey, so when you have gone through the process of knowing your worth, there is always new things that God will take you into. The journey is a process. It doesn’t take overnight. In the coming year, take the time to enjoy it and really savor those moments, because it may not last forever and you’ll never get that time back.