Major Key: Take a look back!

Habukkuk 2:2 "Then the LORD replied: 'Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.'"

A major key that I have been using since I've been accelerating my relationship with God has been to pray and ask God for a projection for the coming year and to reflect on what I’ve learned in the past years.  This allows me to have summaries of what God’s done for me and to really reflect on everything that’s happened, without having to go through my old journals. 

With this, below are my old summaries and projections for the last few years. I hope you all enjoy. Until next time, stay blessed!



Everyday I begin to discover more and more about myself: some days more, some days less. I begin to recognize those who are important to me and/or not so important; people I love and people I tolerate, and everyone in between.  In 2013, though, I really took a HUGE leap in understanding more than myself, but also, who I love, the promises that God has for me, and the concepts of time, timelessness, and love. I suppose I should journey in 2014 to ponder and understand such connecting topics that include: how to love those I love and the importance of time (as it relates to patience and opportunity).


After reflecting over 2014, I would like to declare God has taught me something new yet again. 

In 2013 God really taught me a lot about love, both earthly and heavenly, but in 2014, even in it not being over, I feel as though he had taught me a lot about how to love.  

I have come to the conclusion that the ONLY way to love is to first love God and second love yourself enough to love someone else.  I think that people when they look at Matthew 22: 37-39, in which Christ gives the instructions to love God and love your neighbor, they don't apply it to their love life in particular, but I think it's the best example out. The concept of loving a spouse or a companion in any way will not work unless you first love God then love yourself enough to love others. If you don't love God then you don't really know anything about love, at all.  If you don't know how to love yourself then you won't know that the way you express love is either right or wrong. If you don't love yourself enough to respect yourself enough then you won't know how to allow others to love you intern not knowing how to allow yourself to love them.  

I also learned from this that loving yourself is not easy. I see a lot of my friends getting engaged, married, into relationships, and having babies, and I'm honestly happy for them, but through what I've learned this year, it's okay to be alone. You can learn how to love yourself with someone else, but the work has to be done yourself. Someone can tell you how great you are, but when that person's gone, do you believe it? Do you love yourself enough to know that you deserve better? 

You have to love yourself enough to not envy others but to rather find contentment and wholeness in the love that God has for you and the Love you have for yourself. 

2015 is about enacting God's purpose for my life at full force. There will be no procrastinating, no reneging, no negotiations, simply obedience. He has been very clear with every portion of my life thus far: where to go to school, what to major in, what to do with that education, who to spend time with, etc. and yet I've still been acting as though he's not given me a road map for dummies. I say this to say if any of you all catch me slipping, Stop me! Confront me! And set me straight! I have no more time for games and certainly no more patience for my own ignorance. It's do time. With this being said, 2015 will be the most expansive, difficult, most fulfilling year of my life. And I'm ready!!!


My theme for 2015: where's my place? What do I offer the world that can't be given by someone else?

Answer: I'm supposed to be in an uncomfortable place. A place where I am forced to work hard everyday to be who I am called to be. If I am not uncomfortable, I'm complacent. If I'm complacent, I'm not pressing deep enough. In pressing deeper, I need to be in a place of fearlessness by which I need to not be afraid to tell the truth and specifically my truth. If I love, then I love. If I don't like, then I don't like. If I heard from God, I heard from God. There should be no fear of my truth regardless of how others may take it.

I know what I offer to the world, but I'm still working on what specifically makes me unique.

What I've learned in 2015:

1. "If you want to live a comfortable life, make sure you never love nobody, be selfish, and never sacrifice."

2. Fear is preconditioned by the mind. Address things head on. The things that matter so much, don't really matter if they don't affect your health, wholeness, and spirituality, and even then God's got you so you really don't have an excuse to be fearful. 

2b. Regardless of what you may see, God's always working on your behalf. You have to walk by faith and not by sight. 

3. The way to get acceptance is realizing you don't need it. 

4. Don't ever spit on, or allow someone to spit on, the blessings that God has given you, promised you, or told you. You cannot allow other people's disbelief to waiver your faith in those things either. God cannot be rationalized, so don't allow people to try to rationalize your interactions with Him. 

5. “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins" (1 Peter 4:8). While I haven't mastered this yet, I am working on it.

6. It's going to hurt when someone leaves your life, but it's important that we see it as the furthering of their purpose rather than the ending of a friendship. 

7. It is possible to be content with just you and God without any other distractions. Don't forget to be open, though to new opportunities. 

8. Take delight in the Lord.

Goals in 2016:

1. Get what's mine. God has given me many things that I have either not gotten or have been taken. I am going to get them back. 

2. Launch myself and my website. 

3. Continue healing, growing, conquering, and thriving. 

4. Press in deeper to God for more than just a word, but for a deeper relationship.

2016 is also the fourth year in my journey of really pressing into God. Where four means creation, 2016 is also added together to the number 9 meaning divine completion or finality. I am believing that God is going to create a newness within me that will complete me as who I was as a child and completely catapult me into my young adult walk. I am expecting God to bring me to a place where he is solely my judge, by which no other "judge" will matter. I am also believing that he will create new healthy relationships that are absent of expectation, and finally put some relationships to rest.