
Hello Everyone!

To those who are new, welcome! For those who have followed in the past, thanks so much for all of your encouragement and support. A life update will be coming later this week to explain all of the many reasons why I keep neglecting this avenue of my life, lol. But really, due to the COVID-19, shelter in place, I am pushing to upload and push so much more content, and to really get creative in the way I deliver that. With that being said! This blog will be moving in a bit of a different direction, in that I’ve grown so much. When I started this blog, I was 20 years old, and all I cared about was looking cute, making money to stay cute, and making it to my next lecture. As you will hear in my update coming, I am more concerned with my overall health, wellness, and growth these days. That theme will most likely spill over to this platform as well. With that being said. I am so excited for all of the many changes and evolutions this will take. The first of which is our new Instagram page @kandidkayla.co! Here you will find more on-demand engagement. I am planning to use both this website and Instagram as our hubs for communication and content resource. Even in these uncertain times, I’m so excited to see the journey this will take all of us! So, see you on the journey!
