Out with the Old, In with the New.
Out with the old, in with the new.
This week on the blog I’d like to focus on embracing, experiencing, and acknowledging the transformations and growth within our lives, hence the title. This will focus on looking at some things within our lives that have changed, some for the good, some for the bad, and some for the great.
Today’s topic is transformation Tuesday. As #transformationTuesday suggests, this is the evaluation of who I was to who I am now. In looking at this topic, I wanted to focus on the me of the past versus me now. In my transformation over the years, I’ve done a complete 180º flip.
I think back when I first came into my teen years, age thirteen, and me now, on the other side of the teenage years. I was a lost cause. Fashion wise, I wore gaucho cropped pants and wedged heel with disgusting wire frame glasses, and I thought I was cute. I was beginning to fill out and I was awkwardly too curvy to fit the Abercrombie styles. Emotionally, I was so sensitive. I always thought that everything that everyone did was to directly affect me. Socially, I had crushes… like talk behind their back, but not to their face crushes. I was always scared, and couldn’t do much of anything adventurous. Spiritually, I was lukewarm. I wanted God, but only because I wanted acceptance. If God didn’t promise acceptance, I wasn’t promising God. Thank God for growth!
Now, fashion wise, I am pretty fashion relevant. Fashion has gratefully moved toward full figured women. I would also never dare to grab toward some cropped gaucho pants either. Emotionally, I am confident in my stance in who I am. Socially, I’m still a bit of an introvert, but I am willing to say what I will. I also don’t typically have crushes. I run to adventure and find boredom in routine. Spiritually, I’ve grown no doubt. Jesus is my God until the end of the age, regardless of what people think.
I have changed so much in such little time. It’s only been seven years. Thankfully, I’ve grown. My interests have grown. The ways I have expressed myself has grown. Who I am has grown. The things that God has taken me through have really gone to shape who I am and what I do. I don’t want to be anything like who or what I was. Though, I would not change the process.
It is truly a testament that as I can look back I don’t see the same person I was. It is important, that you don’t see the same person either. Whether you are thirteen, or thirty, who you were five years ago, or even yesterday, shouldn’t be the same person you are today. If you have experienced God, which we do everyday, we have to be changed in some way. We may be changed only a little in that we are one step closer or farther from God. We may be changed a lot in that we quit smoking or fell in love. Either way, we have been changed and it is important that we thank God for those changes. In my case, those changes were good and have started to catapult me into who God wants me to be. With that, I thank God daily. In your case, those changes may be the difference in the person you want to be and the person God wants you to be. If that’s the case, you should reevaluate where you are and who you’re becoming.
For the next days, I urge you to take a look at who you were and who you are. If you need to write it down, do so. Admire yourself and the parts that have been changed. Look at the good, bad, ugly, and great. Thank God for the good, and question how you might change the bad to great.
Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today andforever.”
Isaiah 43:19 “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”
Jeremiah 29:11 “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.’”